Privacy Agreement

This privacy policy is part of the Agreement. All terms used in the Agreement are applicable to this policy. By using the Site, you hereby consent to the collection and use of your personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

We are fully aware of the importance of your personal data. This Privacy Policy describes what personal data we receive and collect when you use the Site.
Additionally, we may request your consent to use your personal data for purposes to which this Privacy Policy does not apply. You do not have to agree, but if you choose not to consent, your participation in certain activities may be limited. If you consent to additional terms, they will prevail if they differ from the terms of this Privacy Policy.

We take all reasonable precautions to protect your personal data and require the same from third parties who may process your personal data for us. Access to your personal data is restricted to prevent unauthorized access, alteration or misuse, and is only permitted to our employees and contractors.

Purposes of personal data processing

We collect and store only those personal data that are necessary for your convenient interaction with us, specifically for the purposes of:

  • provide services to Users and Authors within the framework of the functionality of the Site;
  • identification and interaction;
  • send notices or other materials and requests for information;
  • conduct statistical research;
  • payment processing;
  • operations monitoring;
  • fraud prevention;
  • individualization of your work with the Site;
  • acceleration of work with the Site.


List of information we collect and process

Personal data typically includes information that allows you to be identified. It includes name, address, email address, and phone number, but may also include other information such as IP address, reader preferences, hobbies, and interests.
The sources of your personal data are:

Data that you provide to us on your own. Could be:

  • Email address
  • Username
  • phone number
  • age
  • birthdate
  • gender
  • any other personal data that you voluntarily provide to us

Data that arrives automatically when you use the Site. Could be:


  • data about your browser type
  • statistics of the pages you visited
  • your IP address
  • cookies (biscuit)

When you visit the Site, one or more cookies are sent to your computer. This is a small file that contains sets of symbols and allows the browser to be identified.

When you register on the Site, additional cookies may be sent to your computer to prevent you from entering your username and password again the next time you visit. You can delete them at the end of the session if you are using a public computer and do not want to open your data to subsequent users of the computer.


We use cookies to improve the quality of our services by saving user settings and tracking stock trends. Most browsers are initially configured to accept cookies, but you can completely disallow the use of cookies or configure notifications about their delivery. Please pay attention to the fact that without cookies some functions of the site may not work correctly.

Your rights regarding personal data
You have the right to:

  • limit or refuse to receive future newsletters or messages from us;
  • correct, update or delete your personal data from our storage;
  • report unauthorized use of your personal data.

Consent to the processing of personal data

From the moment you accept the offer, you give your full consent to the processing of your personal data, namely: collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification, use, distribution, depersonalization, blocking, destruction of the personal data provided by you in the process of using the Site, including, but not limited to, surname, first name, patronymic, sex, age, contact telephone numbers or email addresses or other means of electronic communication, in cases of acquiring paid subscriber status – information about your credit or debit payment cards and other means of payment.

Changes to the privacy policy
Please note that the privacy policy may change from time to time. All changes to the privacy policy are posted on this page