Terms of use

End User License Agreement

By using and/or visiting the website (including all content available through the domain name https://amartin.club and all subdomains, as well as the content of the website, accessible through mobile applications, you express your full and unconditional acceptance of the terms of this End User License Agreement (the Agreement) and the Confidentiality notice. If you do not agree with any of the terms of these documents, do not use the website.

We will attempt to notify you if there are any changes to the Agreement, but in any case, you should periodically review and examine the latest version of the Agreement. We may, in our sole discretion, modify or revise the terms of this Agreement at any time and by continuing to use the Website, you agree to such condition. The terms of this Agreement are fully applicable to all users of the Website.


Website – is a collection of visual elements, text, audio and video materials, organized into sections and pages located on the domain amartin.club and all subdomains of the third level and below.

Website User – is a person registered on the Website in accordance with the terms of the Agreement, who has reached the age permitted under EU law to accept the terms of this Agreement.

Content protected by copyright: The sale of the book contained on amartin.club is subject to copyright. You cannot use it without express written permission from the author nor share or publish the purchased book for third parties.


Registration on the website
User registration on the Website is free and voluntary.
You can use the Website without registering or creating your account, but to take advantage of certain features of the Website, you will need to create an account. When registering on the Website, you must provide us with the requested information, which must be accurate and up-to-date. You alone are responsible for the accuracy, timeliness, completeness and compliance of the information provided during registration.
The username and password selected by you are necessary and sufficient information for your access to the Website. You can use your social media accounts to log in and the website allows this. You must maintain the security of your account data (username and password). Any action committed with the use of your username and password will be considered committed by you, unless proven otherwise. In the event of unauthorized access to your account or distribution of your username and password, you must immediately notify us of such actions.
After registration, you have the right to create, use and define the content of your personal page and the access rules of other Users to its content.
To register on the Website you must be at least 18 years old.
You have every right, at any time, to independently delete the information you posted about yourself on the Website, but your ability to change such information may be limited.

You can use our website for free.

Access to some Copyright content is not permitted and is subject to payment. You may purchase access to such copyrighted content by making a payment to the website.
The Website has the opportunity to obtain paid services that do not affect the user’s access to the free and paid content of the Website. Payment for these services is voluntary.

Your responsibilities:
By using this website, you agree to:

  • comply with the provisions of current EU law, this Agreement and other provisions of the Website, which are part of this Agreement;
  • provide reliable, complete and up-to-date data during registration, monitor its updating;
  • do not advertise on the website. This includes, but is not limited to, advertising products, offers to buy or sell any products or services through the Website; It is prohibited to distribute unwanted or unwanted letters to the emails of other Users;
  • inform us of unauthorized access to your account or password and log in;
  • not to place on the personal page information and objects protected by copyright (including references to them) that may violate the rights and interests of third parties;
  • not register as a User on behalf of or in place of another person;
  • do not create more than one account. In case abuses and violations are identified regarding the use of accounts, we reserve the right to block the account without any compensation.
  • not mislead Users about their identity, using the username and password of another registered User;
  • not to download/store/publish/distribute or use viruses or other malware in connection with the website;
  • do not use automated programs to collect information on the website
  • do not illegally collect or process personal data of other Users;
  • not reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, trade or resell services for any purpose, except in cases where such actions have been expressly authorized by the User under this Agreement.
  • Do not upload copyrighted material, trademarks or other private information to the Website without obtaining the prior consent of the intellectual property owner.
  • not use the software and carry out actions intended to alter the normal functioning of the Website and its services or the personal pages of the Users;
  • do not upload, store, publish, distribute or provide access to or otherwise use any information in violation of the Website Design Rules, which are an integral part of this Agreement.

By using this website, you agree that:

  • We have the right to send messages, including email messages, through the Users’ database;
  • we have the right to restrict all or part of the functionality of the website for technical, preventive or other reasons at our own discretion;

Our website may contain links to third-party websites/resources that are not owned or controlled by us. We have no control over, and assume no responsibility for, the content, privacy policy, or actions of any third parties. Additionally, we will not and cannot censor or edit the content of third-party resources. By using the website, you warrant your understanding and acceptance of the above facts and agree to release us from all liability arising from your use of third-party resources.

Intellectual Property Rights
The intellectual property objects contained on the Website are provided to you “as is” and for personal use only. You may not download, copy, modify, reproduce, distribute, transmit, display, sell, license, translate, publish, perform or otherwise exploit them, in whole or in part, for any other purpose without our prior written consent.

Links to our website
You can consult your profile on our Website and on our Website as a whole, subject to good faith and without risk to our reputation.
We reserve the right to revoke the license without explanation and prior notice.
You must not link our website to a website that does not belong to you.

Disclaimer of warranties and limitation of liability
All information on our website is provided “as is” and “as available”. You agree that you use our website at your own risk. We make no warranties of any kind, including, but not limited to, express or implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. We do not guarantee that our website will always be accessible, that access will be provided continuously, without errors, that it will meet your

requirements or have any defects on our website corrected. We do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided and are not responsible for any losses incurred as a result of reliance on such information.

The Website does not represent or warrant that it or the Copyrighted Content will be available for sale or under license or that its use will be continuous and free of malfunctions.

The Website does not warrant that it is free of viruses or unwanted inclusions or similar destructive features.

Your sole and exclusive legal defense for using this website personally is refusal to use the website.
Under no circumstances will the website and its authorities, employees, partners and licensors be liable for incidental, consequential, punitive, indicative or damages in connection with any claim, loss, damage, claim, motion and other types of legal actions that have arisen with with respect to and independently of this Agreement, including, in particular, the use of the website, reliance on its operation or its accessibility. , unfinished works or any other part thereof, as well as any rights granted under this Agreement, even if the Website has been advised of the possibility of such damage, regardless of whether the claim was based on contract, crime ( including negligence), violation of intellectual property rights or other reasons.

The Administration of the website reserves the right to expose violators of the rules to sanctions. The Website Administration has the right to:

  • Block user access to the Website.

Paid content on the website

The paid content on the website –amartin.club is the owner of the property rights of the e-books published on the website. The price and form of access to the content are determined and public and are accepted by you in the event that you decide to purchase the book.
All claims related to purchased books and unfulfilled obligations should be sent to the email: amartinautor@gmail.com

Privacy Policy

This privacy policy is part of the Agreement. All terms used in the Agreement are applicable to this policy. By using the Website, you agree to the collection and use of your personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
We are fully aware of the importance of your personal data. This Privacy Policy describes what personal data we receive and collect when you use the website.

Purposes of personal data processing
We collect and store only those personal data that are necessary for your convenient interaction with us, specifically for the purposes of:

  • provide services to Users and Authors within the framework of the functionality of the Website;
  • identification and interaction;
  • send notices or other materials and requests for information;
  • conduct statistical research;
  • payment processing;
  • operations monitoring;
  • fraud prevention;
  • individualization of your work with the website;
  • acceleration of work with the Website.


List of information we collect and process
Personal data typically includes information that allows you to be identified. It includes name, address, alias, photo, email address and phone number, but may also include other information such as IP address, reader preferences, hobbies and interests.

The sources of your personal data are:

Data that you provide to us on your own. Could be:

  • Email address
  • Username
  • phone number
  • age
  • birthdate
  • gender
  • any other personal data that you voluntarily provide to us

Data that arrives automatically when using the Website. Could be:

  • data about your browser type
  • statistics of the pages you visited
  • your IP address
  • cookies (cookies)

When you visit the website, one or more cookies are sent to your computer. This is a small file that contains sets of symbols and allows the browser to be identified.

When you register on the website, additional cookies may be sent to your computer to avoid entering your username and password again the next time you visit. You can delete them at the end of the session if you are using a public computer and do not want to open your data to subsequent users of the computer.

We use cookies to improve the quality of our services by saving user settings and tracking stock trends. Most browsers are initially configured to accept cookies, but you can completely disallow the use of cookies or configure notifications about their delivery. Please pay attention to the fact that without cookies some functions of the Website may not function correctly.


Your rights regarding personal data

You have the right to:

  • limit or refuse to receive future newsletters or messages from us;
  • correct, update or delete your personal data from our storage;
  • report unauthorized use of your personal data.


Consent to the processing of personal data
From the moment you accept the Public Offer you give your full consent to the processing of your personal data, namely: collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification, use, distribution, depersonalization, blocking, destruction of the personal data provided by you in the process of using the website, including, but not limited to, surname, first name, patronymic, gender, age, contact telephone numbers or email addresses or other means of electronic communication, in cases of acquiring paid subscriber status – information about your credit or debit payment cards and other payment methods.

Changes to the privacy policy

Please note that the privacy policy may change from time to time. All changes to the privacy policy are posted on this page


If after accessing the payment due to some technical problem access to the book is not activated, the Website user may send a request to amartinautor@gmail.com

Within 3 business days of receiving such a request, the website administration must activate such access to the book or make a decision on the refund of the amount paid to the user. Payment is refunded within 5 business days from the date of such decision.

Final provisions
The terms of this Agreement will take effect upon your acceptance of such terms and will be valid for an indefinite period of time.
If you violate the terms of this Agreement, we have the right to refuse to perform our obligations unilaterally.
Matters not covered by the Agreement are determined in accordance with EU law.



Conflict resolution

In case of disputes and disagreements, the User must contact the Website with a specific complaint at amartinautor@gmail.com
The Website undertakes to review the User’s complaint within 2 weeks and make every effort to resolve the dispute or disagreement.

If disputes are not resolved through negotiations, they will be resolved in the manner specified by EU law.